Foreword (December 2023)

By John Thisgaard, Jenny Awad (FoodLegal Bulletin Co-Editors) and Joe Lederman (FoodLegal Chairperson and Co-Editor)

Welcome to the December 2023 – January 2024 bumper edition of FoodLegal Bulletin!


1.    Connect with FoodLegal

Connect with FoodLegal on LinkedIn to ensure that you never miss an update!


2.    Pet Foods and Animal Feeds: The New Opportunities and Updates – Wednesday 21 February 2023

Have you considered expanding or developing the growing market opportunities for pet foods and animal feeds? FoodLegal can explain how to do it!

This webinar will help answer:

·         To what extents can food byproducts be repurposed into animal feed or pet food?

·         Product development opportunities and issues to consider

·         Regulatory framework for pet foods and animal feeds

·         At what point is APVMA registration required?

·         Manufacturing and product safety standards issues

·         Labelling and marketing issues

Book here.


3.    In this December 2023 – January 2024 bumper edition of FoodLegal Bulletin

In this FoodLegal Bulletin, our FREE article “Current developments in food law and policy in Australia and internationally” updates the latest in regulatory developments and news.

Our FREE article “Are you ready to comply with the NEW additional food safety requirements in Standard 3.2.2A of the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code?”, explores the new standard and outlines the key requirements that businesses will need to comply with.

In “When can a Comparative claim amount to Misleading and Deceptive conduct? McDonalds v Hungry Jacks (2023) provides another example and some further guidance we analyse the legal arguments regarding comparative claims and misleading conduct, and what it means for food businesses.

Our article “Changes to ‘added sugar’ labelling confirmed, What businesses making ‘no added sugar claims’ now need to know" examines the key new conditions for a food product claiming ‘no added sugar’ or a similar claim. 

The article "When an ingredient disappears during manufacturing, what are the legal obligations and consequences for declaring that substance?” considers different factual scenarios and some of the important regulatory consequences.

In the article “Scientific and regulatory issues of Glycerin inf ood” one of our FoodLegal scientists looks at the science behind Glycerin, the current and emerging production techniques, and an outline of the regulatory and safety status issues in Australia and internationally.

In “When does a food label need to include an extra warning statement outside of the Food Standards Code?” we consider many examples of when a food business should consider using warning or advisory statements on pack, beyond the prescriptive requirements of the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code.

In “Anti-competitive conduct that food and beverage businesses must not engage in” we explore various forms of anti-competitive conduct that marketers and brand developers or brand managers and others need to be aware of in designing strategies in marketing or buying or distribution.

We hope you enjoy this December 2023 – January 2024 bumper edition of FoodLegal Bulletin!

John ThisgaardJenny Awad and Joe Lederman

FoodLegal Bulletin

This is general information rather than legal advice and is current as of 12 Dec 2023. We therefore recommend you seek legal advice for your particular circumstances if you want to rely on advice or information to be a basis for any commercial decision-making by you or your business.