Navigating new food channels: risks and opportunities

The seminar runs from 12pm - 1.30pm AEST*

Navigating new food channels: risks and opportunities FoodLegal war stories and new issues for the omni-channels.


Charles Fisher – Principal Lawyer

Choosing the best consumer channel for healthy product: food, cosmetic or therapeutic

John Thisgaard - Senior Associate

Opportunities and perils for online and contactless sales or delivery for foods and alcohol

Jenny Awad - Senior Associate

Different opportunities through new supply chain approaches

Joe Lederman - FoodLegal Chairperson… a few wise words

* AEST is Australian Eastern Standard Time ( time in Canberra , Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Gold Coast, Newcastle, Cairns, Geelong, Shepparton).

All bookings are subject to FoodLegal's terms and conditions:
1. If you cancel within 48 hours of the date, only 50% will be refunded.
2. FoodLegal has the right to refuse / exclude anyone from a training course without any recourse
3. FoodLegal has the right to cancel any booking & refund the fees
4. FoodLegal reserves the right to update these terms and conditions.


This event is held online via a provided link.