Foreword (August 2020)

By Joe Lederman (FoodLegal Chairperson), John Thisgaard and Jenny Awad (FoodLegal Bulletin Co-Editors)

Welcome to the August 2020 edition of FoodLegal Bulletin!


1.    Upcoming Health Claims Workshop

FoodLegal is running its Health Claims Workshop as a webinar on Thursday 3 September 2020. This Workshop is vital for anyone looking to set their product apart through health and nutrition-focused marketing while navigating the regulatory hurdles.

The Workshop will run from 9am-1pm Australian Eastern Standard Time.

Click here to register.


2.    In this August 2020 edition of FoodLegal Bulletin

Our FREE article “Current developments in food law and policy in Australia and elsewhere” provides this month’s update on new regulatory developments and scientific developments that impact food producers and suppliers, beginning with Australia, but also internationally.

Our article “Impact of the new mandatory pregnancy warning labels for alcoholic beverages in Australia and New Zealand explains what the new labelling requirements are for suppliers of alcoholic beverages being sold in Australia and when its packaging will need to incorporate the new pregnancy warning label.

Our article “Food industry implications of recent Australian Federal Parliamentary allergy report” addresses the recommendations arising from a recent Federal Parliamentary Standing Committee report into anaphylaxis and allergens, and explores how they interact with existing regulatory developments regarding food allergens.

Our article “Industrial chemicals in cosmetics under Australian law: transition from NICNAS to AICIS explains the important changes and transitional information with respect to how cosmetics are regulated upon the introduction of the AICIS scheme.

In the article “High pressure processing (HPP) aka high hydrostatic processing of foods and beverages: the effects, legal status and novel applications” FoodLegal Scientist Rozita Vaskoska looks at the use of high pressure processing, its application in the main groups of food commodities, its antimicrobial effect, limitations, legal status and emerging applications for its usage.

Our article “Extending phytosanitary irradiation to all fresh fruits and vegetables generally” explores the rationale and implications of a proposed amendment to the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code by the Queensland Department of Health that would extend phytosanitary irradiation permissions across all fresh fruits and vegetables.

We hope you enjoy this August 2020 edition of FoodLegal Bulletin!

Joe Lederman, John Thisgaard and Jenny Awad

FoodLegal Bulletin

This is general information rather than legal advice and is current as of 4 Aug 2020. We therefore recommend you seek legal advice for your particular circumstances if you want to rely on advice or information to be a basis for any commercial decision-making by you or your business.